Accusative Case in Polish (Biernik)

Category: Polish Cases

Accusative case introduction in Polish

The Accusative/biernik case is a very commonly used one in Polish.

When to use accusative case in Polish

It is used for things like "I like you", "I love Zuzanna", "I am buying bread" and many more situations

One of the easiest ways is to learn what verbs use the accusative case (see below)

Verbs that use the accusative case in Polish

English Polish
To bake piec
To beat bić
To build budować
To buy kupić
To buy kupować
To carry nieść
To carry (/wear) nosić
To close zamykać
To eat jeść
To explain/translate tłumaczyć
To have mieć
To keep trzymać
To kiss całować
To know znać
To like lubić
To love kochać
To make/do robić
To paint malować
To read czytać
To spend spędzać
To take brać
To welcome witać
To write pisać
Think you know these words? Take a free online Polish vocab test of these words here Online Test

Remember to switch to [gentitive] for negation

If a sentence (that used accusative) is made negative (by adding 'never', "don't", etc) then switch from accusative to Genitive

Noun and Adjective Conjugation for Accusative case: Singular

  Alive Not alive
Masculine Adjective -ego -y

-i after words that end in -k or -g
Noun -a

No change for masc singular non animated words
Feminine Adjective
Neuter Adjective -e

sometimes -ie after words that end in -k or -g

No change for plural accusative neuter words

Noun and Adjective Conjugation for Accusative case: Plural

Adjectives in Accusative case: -e (or -ie if it ends in k or g)

Nouns in Accusative case:
Masculine or Feminine words: -y (or -i if it ends in g or k).
Neuter: -a

Accusative plural is the same as [nomanitive] plural!

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